Monday, June 8, 2009

Quick update of the last few months

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the LONG delay but a lot has happened in my life since December. To put it the short way I have been to the emergency room 3 times, I have had 3-4 I.v.s, a couple of shots, 2 MRIs, 1 CT scan, and here comes the biggest one surgery! (That kind of sounds like The Twelve Days of Christmas song!) All of this has happened since January 1st! So now that things are beginning to calm back down to normal I would let you know I am still alive!

Praise God! I made it through with the help of my family and all of those who have been praying for me! So I say thank you!!! To all of you have had me in your prayers and please continue to do so as the process is not over yet!

I have switched doctors and I now have a new doctor who is helping me find answers! They think I have Lupus or juvenile arthritis. However the blood work won't match up! I have all the symptoms but not blood markers. Which is a good thing because it means its not attacking my body! Thank goodness! My doctor started me on a medicine to control the pain.

As for the cold-urticaria I am now on a medicine that works wonders!! It controls it greatly! I can now eat ice cream without the effects of a closed up throat! (I am very blessed to now be able to do so. I LOVE ice cream!)

Now about the surgery. I had a MRI on my hips done, and when my pediatrician called the next day she had shocking news! I had an ovarian cyst the size of a tennis ball on my right ovary. Thank goodness I was able to get in to a doctor and had it removed the following week. During surgery I was under a heated blanket and they had the heat running so I would stay nice and toasty! As a result of the heat I ended up with the flu 2 days later! I Stayed 24 hours in the hospital with an i.v. drip.

I am now recovered from surgery and now I move on toward an answer about lupus or juvenile arthritis. My doctor decided to have me do 4 weeks of physical therapy and see if that didn't help with the pain. I am in the middle of the 4 weeks and still have 2 to go so far so good, but I guess we will really know in the end! I have a goal of being able to touch below my knee caps which I just recently accomplished. Now I move on to the real challenge one day being able to touch my toes! Yes this is something I've never accomplished before! Sad but true!

A few fun things that have happened since Christmas is.....I turned 14 (yay!)...I wrote a skit and entered in fine arts through our denomination and I got superior with invitation. (First time I ever competed in it!).......And My sister graduated from High school! (I felt like a frantic bridesmaid!) Like I said a lot has happened since December.

I will be more regular with these posts as God is moving in my life greatly and I want to share this with you!

Have a blessed summer!


1 Samuel 12:24

But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.

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