Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Can Do It !!!!!!!

Most people who have a website about cold-urticaria do a post about the things they can't do. But instead I think of things that I can do.

I can be a writer, doctor, nurse, librarian, secretary, or a youth pastors wife. So what if I can't be an ice skater, a football coach (They dump the ice on them after each game.), diver, or the little dairy stockers. Many people dwell on things their disabilities take away. I personally never wanted to be an ice skater or a diver. I hate skating and all I can do is the doggy paddle. But its like if we know that's not an option any more we want it to be. Why? I honestly don't know why. I feel if God wants you to do that then that door will be opened. Or God could heal you and enable you to do that thing.

I hate it when we dwell on our down falls instead of what we could be doing with life. Look me in the eyes (figuratively speaking) when I say this: God gave you talents USE THEM. Are you? He did not make you to sit on the couch. He enabled you to sit on the couch ever so often, not forever. I see so many ungodly people not using their talents that it honestly makes me sad. Then I enter the church and there are more unused people. If you have a talent please use it. Some of us would say we don't have a talent. Wrong everyone has a talent you just have to recognize that you do. Then that is when you have to search for or better develop your talent.

So if I can do it you can too. I never would have dreamed I could write a blog, or a play, or a short story. But I did and if I did you can do something great too.

Please also note don't wake up one day and say "I shall play the guitar today!" it doesn't work I tried..........many times. If you don't play the guitar that's fine, maybe music isn't your talent. Tried writing? If your hand cramps don't get discouraged mine already is and I'm typing. Maybe your job is to be that cheerful face someone else sees. The person that's there when your friends are down. That's the best person to be, believe me I know I have many people there to pick me up when I'm falling.

The point is find what your good at and expand it. If you do what your made to do you will be a whole lot happier than if you were doing something else.

God has a purpose, I can do it, you can do it!

May God bless you this week!


Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

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