Yes having blood taken is not fun in any way. I once conquered the fear of it only because they took it all the time. But for a little while I didn't have any tests to run it seemed like I was the solved case that's now been reopened. I let that little fear creep back to its original place. Once that fear came back I realized I have to conquer it again. The way I realized it was the nurse stuck the needle in and held it at an angle that kept continuous pain shooting through my arm. But I would rather grin and bear it then make her readjust. She took 4-5 tubes of blood that day and my blood doesn't flow really fast, needless to say it felt like forever.
Sometimes its not the pain I feel its the fact some stranger is about to stick a needle into my arm and I don't even know them. Granted I wouldn't feel any better if my mom would do it. I just don't like the way blood is taken. But I have kind of over come that fear once more.
If you don't like having blood taken let me offer some advice. 1. Drink plenty of water the day before and the day of. This makes the veins swell up and easier to find. Which if your like me They never can find my veins, but water helps. 2. When they are taking the blood don't watch them I promise it makes it hurt worse. Some think if they watch they can prepare for the pain but honestly I make such a big deal about it the pain is small compared to what I prepared for. What I do is look away and try to focus on something other then the needle. Sometimes I look right at the nurse and tell her what I am learning in life and at school. Other times about church, maybe I throw in a little joke just to get some laughter. Laughter is the key to life use it when in pain and it doesn't hurt as much, I think.
I had and have to get over this fear and I will because I could be using my fear on something else more important like that monster under my bed.
If you have any fear of having blood taken. Let me assure you if you sit still, soon it will all be over. Count to 10, think good thoughts, and pray, then it will all be over. Remember if you get scared when having blood taken it doesn't make you any less of a man or woman we all get scared.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I Can Do It !!!!!!!
Most people who have a website about cold-urticaria do a post about the things they can't do. But instead I think of things that I can do.
I can be a writer, doctor, nurse, librarian, secretary, or a youth pastors wife. So what if I can't be an ice skater, a football coach (They dump the ice on them after each game.), diver, or the little dairy stockers. Many people dwell on things their disabilities take away. I personally never wanted to be an ice skater or a diver. I hate skating and all I can do is the doggy paddle. But its like if we know that's not an option any more we want it to be. Why? I honestly don't know why. I feel if God wants you to do that then that door will be opened. Or God could heal you and enable you to do that thing.
I hate it when we dwell on our down falls instead of what we could be doing with life. Look me in the eyes (figuratively speaking) when I say this: God gave you talents USE THEM. Are you? He did not make you to sit on the couch. He enabled you to sit on the couch ever so often, not forever. I see so many ungodly people not using their talents that it honestly makes me sad. Then I enter the church and there are more unused people. If you have a talent please use it. Some of us would say we don't have a talent. Wrong everyone has a talent you just have to recognize that you do. Then that is when you have to search for or better develop your talent.
So if I can do it you can too. I never would have dreamed I could write a blog, or a play, or a short story. But I did and if I did you can do something great too.
Please also note don't wake up one day and say "I shall play the guitar today!" it doesn't work I tried..........many times. If you don't play the guitar that's fine, maybe music isn't your talent. Tried writing? If your hand cramps don't get discouraged mine already is and I'm typing. Maybe your job is to be that cheerful face someone else sees. The person that's there when your friends are down. That's the best person to be, believe me I know I have many people there to pick me up when I'm falling.
The point is find what your good at and expand it. If you do what your made to do you will be a whole lot happier than if you were doing something else.
God has a purpose, I can do it, you can do it!
May God bless you this week!
Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
I can be a writer, doctor, nurse, librarian, secretary, or a youth pastors wife. So what if I can't be an ice skater, a football coach (They dump the ice on them after each game.), diver, or the little dairy stockers. Many people dwell on things their disabilities take away. I personally never wanted to be an ice skater or a diver. I hate skating and all I can do is the doggy paddle. But its like if we know that's not an option any more we want it to be. Why? I honestly don't know why. I feel if God wants you to do that then that door will be opened. Or God could heal you and enable you to do that thing.
I hate it when we dwell on our down falls instead of what we could be doing with life. Look me in the eyes (figuratively speaking) when I say this: God gave you talents USE THEM. Are you? He did not make you to sit on the couch. He enabled you to sit on the couch ever so often, not forever. I see so many ungodly people not using their talents that it honestly makes me sad. Then I enter the church and there are more unused people. If you have a talent please use it. Some of us would say we don't have a talent. Wrong everyone has a talent you just have to recognize that you do. Then that is when you have to search for or better develop your talent.
So if I can do it you can too. I never would have dreamed I could write a blog, or a play, or a short story. But I did and if I did you can do something great too.
Please also note don't wake up one day and say "I shall play the guitar today!" it doesn't work I tried..........many times. If you don't play the guitar that's fine, maybe music isn't your talent. Tried writing? If your hand cramps don't get discouraged mine already is and I'm typing. Maybe your job is to be that cheerful face someone else sees. The person that's there when your friends are down. That's the best person to be, believe me I know I have many people there to pick me up when I'm falling.
The point is find what your good at and expand it. If you do what your made to do you will be a whole lot happier than if you were doing something else.
God has a purpose, I can do it, you can do it!
May God bless you this week!
Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Medicine and Doctors
I really hate going to the doctor. I don't enjoy it but I go to the doctor because I want answers. I don't just go for the fun of it. Doctors take blood and poke you and turn you and shove you, believe it or not to help you. I am glad that I have doctors because if I didn't have them I would be some undiagnosed person almost an unidentified blob.
I also really hate taking medicine. Taking medicine everyday can be a real bother. It helps more than it hurts but its a bother just the same. I take 2 medicines everyday which is small compared to some people I know.
But God gave us doctors and God gave us medicine to help us not hurt us. If it wasn't for a doctor by now I probably would have jumped into a pool and have a serious injury. I take the time I have with my nurses and doctors and use it to tell them how God is moving through my life or what my church is doing. I get a lot of that time when they are trying to take my blood, before they get any taken I have almost every nurse in there trying to find my veins. What can I say if you tell them the latest thing that is happening in your youth group chances are they will start to talking. One time I decided to tell Mom and Dad something I had thought about at the same time nurses were there. We sing a song in youth called Hallelujah by Bethany Dillon. In the song it says Hallelujah, Hallelujah, whatever's in front of me help me to sing hallelujah. We sang that the week before all my problems started back. I shared how singing that song the week before I didn't know I would be here this week. And just as the song says I am still singing hallelujah and I am not getting down about instead I am picking myself up and carrying on. The nurses were a little bit shocked as were my parents that I had said that.
So if God gives you the time with the doctors, instead of being down and out try to be an encouragement. And remember we have doctors for good not bad. Medicine to help us be normal or as normal as we can be that day. God gave it to us as a helper not to be a hurt.
this week keep your chin up so you can't keep your head down.
I also really hate taking medicine. Taking medicine everyday can be a real bother. It helps more than it hurts but its a bother just the same. I take 2 medicines everyday which is small compared to some people I know.
But God gave us doctors and God gave us medicine to help us not hurt us. If it wasn't for a doctor by now I probably would have jumped into a pool and have a serious injury. I take the time I have with my nurses and doctors and use it to tell them how God is moving through my life or what my church is doing. I get a lot of that time when they are trying to take my blood, before they get any taken I have almost every nurse in there trying to find my veins. What can I say if you tell them the latest thing that is happening in your youth group chances are they will start to talking. One time I decided to tell Mom and Dad something I had thought about at the same time nurses were there. We sing a song in youth called Hallelujah by Bethany Dillon. In the song it says Hallelujah, Hallelujah, whatever's in front of me help me to sing hallelujah. We sang that the week before all my problems started back. I shared how singing that song the week before I didn't know I would be here this week. And just as the song says I am still singing hallelujah and I am not getting down about instead I am picking myself up and carrying on. The nurses were a little bit shocked as were my parents that I had said that.
So if God gives you the time with the doctors, instead of being down and out try to be an encouragement. And remember we have doctors for good not bad. Medicine to help us be normal or as normal as we can be that day. God gave it to us as a helper not to be a hurt.
this week keep your chin up so you can't keep your head down.
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