Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finding God's Purpose in any Situation

Sometimes when a situation comes up we drop everything and devote our life to solving the situation. Sometimes God just wants us to put the situation in His hands and say God you take control. God created it that way but the way God created it isn't the way we want it. God has a purpose for every situation we go through.

Which brings me to my point if you have to go through a situation or in my case an illness how do you let God take control?
Because He does have a purpose for it we have to sit back and let God so to speak do His thing. Instead of trying to solve the situation lets try to find God in it. God is moving through my life with this situation how?
God uses me everyday as a witness. Because people see me in the mall with a jacket on and they ask if I am cold. That opens the door to talk about what I have and how God is moving through my life. and how through it all I still have to have faith. God's purpose for this situation is I am a living breathing testimony. I don't understand why I have it, but I know God has a reason and thats good enough for me.
The time you spend in the situation should be a time of prayer and faith in God rather than spent worrying and being restless.
Romans 8:28 says
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.

I live knowing that the Bible says God has a purpose for me and what happens today was His purpose for my life. If my knees swell up then I take it slow thats His purpose for today. If I am in great health then I do have an active day today. I ask God everyday to use me in any way for His benefit, let that be my goal: To please Him.


Winnie said...

hey brooke!
your blog is looking great! i just wanted to say that i think that this is a wonderful idea. make sure that your blog is on google. i'm sure that there is someone out there who is looking for a solution to being different, and if they can find your blog on the internet i think they will find it.

Kim said...

I have a daughter Brooke, who is 13 also. I read your story, you posted on Klove's website.
I have been going through some tough times this week and your blog "Finding God's Purpose in any situation" is just what I needed to read today. THANKS
I will keep you in my prayers.